Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ask what you wish, not what you don't

Recently I read a blog of one of my dear friends (yeah, I do have friends, duh). And one post really got me. It's an entry about the current wave of terror that's been flowing across the globe like no other. Let me quote a bit of the entry:

1st there was Palestine
Then there was Chechnya
Next came Afghanistan
Seconds later came Iraq
Suddenly striked India
Eventually striked Sri Lanka
Dont forget Darfur & Euthopia
And the neighbouring Thai & Indonesia
Who's next?? Iran??
Owh wait.. Something is currently happening in Pakistan


We should always remember how NAGASAKI & HIROSHIMA were DOOMED by the HANDS OF MEN

I can understand the hatreds against 'The Axis of Evils' :: Fighting to death against terror-breeder Zionists and BUSH-Led USA!! :: But hatreds against fellow bretheren??!! I don't quite get it.. In fact I DON'T GET IT AT ALL!!

Are we to create DOOMSDAY on the basis of BROTHERHOOD?? What madness is this??!! That a group of people would think that they are TOO SUPERIOR to be questioned and criticized?? That their thoughts are ALWAYS RIGHT and what others think are ALWAYS WRONG??!! That they would PUT ASIDE any INDIFFERENCES & TERMINATE each other over mere DIFFERENCES??!! ARE WE HUMANS NOT BROTHERS ANYMORE??!

We were once NOBODY :: ALL OF US :: LORD turned us into SOMEBODY :: HE is the ONLY ONE ELLIGIBLE to see through our DIFFERENCES :: We on the other hand are ONLY qualified to look for our INDIFFERENCES :: LIVE THE SIMILARITIES AS BROTHERS :: Is that so much so IMPOSSIBLE??!!

Do POLITICS know not the meaning of BROTHERHOOD??
When FATAH fights against HAMAS..
And the SUNNIs and SYI'Is killing each other..
And the Pro-MUSHARRAFs silence the ANTIs on the price of BLOODS..

I have to agree with the author that we have among us a huge number of madmen. And unfortunately, we are at fault for letting those madmen run the country. However, what really got me is not the post, but rather how the message was being presented. Now, I have nothing against the author; almost all the blogs with the same theme of entry is presenting the message in the same manner. What I wanted to express is this: WHAT YOU SPEAK OF MORE IS WHAT WILL MOST PROBABLY BE GRANTED.

The message of the entry I quoted was "Let us live in peace and harmony". That's how I see it. But it is presented as "Please, NO WAR. We are ANTI-WAR. Stop the WAR". As I said before, what you speak of more, is what will happen more. I'd like to quote from Mother Theresa, "I will not support any anti-war demonstration, but if you're holding a peace rally, please invite me". She diverts her attention to the positive that she wanted, not the negative that she didn't want.

In relation to the view, what most of us do (yours truly included for a long time), we keep our attention to the negative that we don't want. No SMOKING, anti-DRUG, anti-TERRORISM, etc, etc. Sure, we're saying "NO" to the bad things, so why didn't we say "YES" to the ones we wanted, and just keep saying it. PEACE campaigns, HEALTHY LIFESTYLE week, ETHICAL day, etc. See, the more positive things we talk about, the more positive we become, and the more positive things happen in our lives. Similarly, the more negative things we speak of, the more negative we become, and more negative things happens.

Well, we can't actually blame anyone for thinking the way we think, since we have been conditioned with such manner of thinking for the past period of our lives. But that doesn't give us the excuse not to change the way we see things and talk about things the moment we know there's a better way to talk about it. If you wish to learn how to change the way you think, there are various motivational books that you can read from and apply. One of the best that I've came across and actually own is The Success Principles by Jack Canfield, and if you manage to get your hand on The Secret DVD, that's even better.

I'll stop here for now, until then, look forward for the next entry. May all the positive vibrations be around you.


Unknown said...

Actually I think that all the humans actions from the last hundred years are totally evil and not only lately.

Who down the forests?
Who push certain species to extinction?
Who put a freaking hole in the Ozone layer only to try to save it later with some lame ideas?
Why are carbon dioxide more than Oxygen these days?
Why do we need Reserve Forest in the first place?
Why are people dying of causes as stupid as a stab in the back ?
Why are people killing people just to show that killing people is wrong ?

Tons of question but still i think that there is only one common answer

Unknown said...

yeah, pretty much. although it is our fault that we keep on talking about stopping those actions and not taking good actions to prevent them.

- we didn't start re-planting
- we didn't start a strict
replenishing programme for the near-extinction species
- we didn't start developing effective products and programmes that could effectively reverse the ozone deconstruction
- we didn't develop something that could reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air
- we didn't take the name "RESERVE FOREST" seriously
- we still care less about the needy in our home ground
- we still haven't learn the basic moral of the incident between abel and cain ( read the holy quran or the bible for the story)

so yeah, it's the human fault for committing the acts you mentioned, but it is our fault by not taking positive actions.

Unknown said...

i think that a lot of people loves money.

tell me..
what inside this world that we can't sell:

human sure a weird creature...

Unknown said...

Well, sure. We are weird creatures, and we love money. I love money. I could use it to help myself getting healthier and help others achieve the same thing. With money I can teach others to appreciate non-monetary things, like people and our environment. There's nothing wrong with being in love with money.

But, it is very wrong when you are not using the money for appropriate purposes. What I mean by "appropriate purposes" is using the money for constructive things; things that will benefit everybody in the long run. Use the money for improving our environment, because we are merely borrowing this Earth from our children. And by right, we should take extra care for things that are borrowed. Use it to educate our younger generation to appreciate and love people and environment, so that the future will be of better humanity and clearer skies and seas. Use the money to reprimand those who transgresses the limits, and causing all the problems we have today.

Money is never at fault. But the ones holding money, that is questionable.