Thursday, June 14, 2007

Of meaningful comments and voices of disagreements Ver. 2.0

This post is, again, dedicated to the visitors who has left their comments.

For me there is no meaning in independence for this country. We are now being colonized by the government itself. What could be worse than being colonized by your own countrymen? And Independence Day has become nothing more than another festival and public holiday along with many other festivals we have. What should have been a day of remembrance of those who had fallen in the fight for independence, turned into a midnight concert and a day where all the social ills rear their ugly heads. And why wouldn't anyone lack the spirit of Independence? Because we are yet to be independent.

Journalism had not only fallen to such low level, it has also become a weapon for the Government to "kill" anyone who voiced out their dissatisfaction. The same goes for education. What should have been the platform of developing a new rank of leaders and knowledgeable workforce has become a place to promote political ideologies, racist-inclined brainwashing, and a filter to single out potential "threats"; students with character, leadership and dynamic ideas that could challenge the Government. These students will definitely find their future being dashed. And the citizens are left with the choice of either decrepit old men who have nothing but money in their minds, or younger people who have no idea how to manage a country. Talk about being in "between the Devil and the deep blue sea".

I can bet my hairy legs that the same "Don't leave us, Che Det" drama will ensue if Pak Lah ever mention the word "resign". He's a useful marionette for the current Government. He can't do anything without a hand fulling the strings. If he's not, he would've surrounded himself with people he can control, not animals that he cannot tame (and would instead swallow him alive).

I can sense that you have deep enmity towards the Malays. I can assure you that not all Malays have the mentality of pointing their index and each other when anything goes wrong. It just happens that the majority of us do that, and coincidently, they are the leaders and a vast majority of the followers. Intellectual Malays like Bakri Musa, Ahirudin Attan, A. Kadir Jasin, etc (me perhaps) look for solutions that can solve or at least improve the situation. We are aware that blaming solves nothing. The same goes to you; blaming the majority of Malays will not solve anything. In fact, you had given a victory to the Government: they managed to make the races hate each other.

Reek and Ramsom:
I agree with you. Do read my next article, "Building a Future With a Future".

When you mentioned, "People like you", did you meant me? If that is what you meant, then I'd say that you're barking the wrong person. I've never put BN on their throne, and Proton is the worse car ever IMHO. So in what way did I let BN pillage and plunder the country as you claimed? But if you're referring to the majority of this "sick society", then you have a point there. But it is not without a cause. People didn't go stupid and sick out of the blue. Just how many of us take the initiative to mingle with other races? How many of us took time to learn from the mistakes of history, so that we all have a better future? How many of us, instead of cussing each other like what you did, get together and brainstorm a plan of action to change the situation, and did all that they can to execute the plan? Not many, and you're not one of those few as well. Because the majority is busy doing what you are doing: CUSSING.

I disagree with you, and no, I'm neither of the classes you think I belonged to. Have you ever consider how many Malay intellectuals who ended behind bars for promoting the ideas of racial integration and justice towards all races? And FYI, not all Malays are lazy. The bright and hardworking ones are overseas, and soon, I'll be joining their ranks.

Indeed, patriotism had been used to discourage people from amking a change. And those who abides, are nothing but chauvinists.

It is true that the time has come for the government to adopt a non-racial mindset. However, with the old men and women, who are clinging to the past out of fear for the future, leading the administration, there is no way that that would happen anytime soon. We need a new set of younger leaders with new ideas and optimistic views about the future to lead the country, regardless of their races.

It seems that I didn't get the sub-editor job. Oh well. NEXT!

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