Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Looking Into the Future Means Letting Go of the Past.

How many of us, have encountered people who likes to say, "You should've done this or that", as if it would change anything? Plenty, I take it. I got that a lot, and sometimes, I do it myself.

Wayne Dyer in his audio book, "The Secret of the Universe", mentioned about these people. You know, when your children came home at 5 while they were supposed to be home at 3, and you tell them, "You should've called at 3!", they know that they are talking to a banana (these are the exact words of Wayne Dyer). You can't change anything by could've, would've and should've (CWS've).

Coincidentally, all those three phrases come into play when you failed at something; fail to come home at 3, fail to be around when the durian orchard is in abundance, fail to join Herbalife while it is still in early stage. One of my acquaintance spoke of "dream stealers" in his blog, now let me introduce you to the "guilt-spammers". Dream stealers tell you that you're on a wild goose chase; guilt-spammers try to make you feel guilty and send you to a dead end of your path to success.

The remedy against these guilt-spammers is the same as the one for dream stealers; you can either stay away from them (keep a good mile distance at least), or you could be an inverse paranoid. An inverse paranoid is a person who believes that the universe, everything in it, is trying to help him achieve what he wanted.

Now, some of you may question, "How do guilt-spammers, dream stealers, and inverse paranoid fit into the title?" We're getting there, so please bear with me. The path to success is paved upon failures. In other word, for you to be successful, you have to swallow a huge dose of failures. It's how you take that dose of failure that would decide how successful you will be. If you are forever haunted with the guilt of your past, of the efforts that didn't work, then your path to success is either a long one, or going to be a dead end. but if you take it as a lesson, and move on, you'll find yourself on a speedy way to success. Not overnight, no. But it'll be fast.

That conclude the article tonight. Until then, let us let go of the past. Learn from them, but don't let them be a burden to our efforts towards success.

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