Thursday, July 19, 2007

Nat Tan's Statement on His Detention (Eng & BM)

Four Days Under the OSA

I was arrested on Friday, the 13th of July at approximately 4.30pm in the carpark basement (B3) of Phileo Damansara I by about four to five policemen.

While originally being taken in for questioning, the police arrested me when I conveyed to them my lawyers advice that I should not accompany the police to their office unaccompanied by legal counsel.

From Phileo Damansara, I was taken to my house where the police confiscated my computer, some CD’s and some documents.

From the moment I was arrested until about 11 pm, I was not allowed to speak to anyone I knew, or inform anybody of my whereabouts.

I later learnt that this caused an immense and completely avoidable amount of stress and anxiety amongst my loved ones.

I was eventually made to understand that I was arrested in connection to accusations made on the internet regarding Datuk Johari Baharum.

The connection to me was based on a comment made on my blog that was made by an anonymous commentor on the 10th of Februrary, 2007.

It was prepostorous of the police to suspect me of publishing these accusations based on documents protected by the Official Secrets Act that were supposedly in my posessesion. There is absolutely nothing even remotely resembling proof to substantiate such claims.

Throughout my detention, the police employed various questioning strategies in what struck me strongly as a concerted attempt to make me admit to things that I had not done.

The police also subjected me to various rounds of questioning between about 5.30pm and 9pm by different police officers who all kept asking me the same questions. I later learnt that questioning at such late hours was in fact illegal.

One of the officers questioning me that evening who refused to identify himself threatened to slap me and throw me across the room.

Not having access to legal counsel, I refused to answer in detail any questions the police posed in their extremely suspicious manner.

The situation worsened on Saturday, the 14th of July.

Despite my repeated appeals to the police officers accompanying me to court to be produced before the magistrate for the remand hearing, they absolutely refused to notify my family or, more importantly, my lawyers that I was to be produced in court.

This caused in me a great deal of undue stress because I feared that I would be forced to face the magistrate without any legal representation.

Entirely by a stroke of luck, a lawyer at the magistrate’s court was able to assist me in contacting my lawyer, R Sivarasa. Had said lawyer not been present, I may have not been given the opportunity to be represented by counsel during my hearing, and my remand order may have been for fourteen days instead of for four.

Even after my lawyer arrived, the police made every possible effort to block me from consulting with my lawyers, denying me extremely basic human rights connected to judicial due process. This even included repeatedly trying to spy and eavsdrop on the conversations I was attempting to have with my lawyers.

After the remand order was allowed, the police continued to pursue the same line of questioning.

Having being advised by my lawyer during my remand hearing not to answer any questions or sign any statements, I refused to answer the increasingly combative line of questioning by the police.

On Saturday itself, a senior officer employed physical means in an attempt to intimidate me into answering their questions. This included shoving me into a chair while I was standing handcuffed.

Although I had stated my intent to exercise my right to silence, and despite my lawyer’s argument that the police had all the evidence they required to investigate me, the police’s insistence on holding me for all four days proved a complete waste of my time and of police resources. I was also made to endure unhygenic and pitifully substandard accomdations in the lockup throughout this time.

All other attempts to pressure and coerce me into providing information under adverse conditions failed. Finally, on Monday, I was allowed to see my family, who conveyed to me fresh advice from my lawyer regarding what information I could provide.

Armed at last with the knowledge that I had been seeking since Friday, I was more than happy to provide all the information I had available to the police.

The entire ordeal for both myself and the police could have been avoided if the police had extended some basic human courtesy and decency in allowing me to consult fully with legal counsel before cooperating with the police, which I was more than happy to do under fair and reasonable circumstances.


I fear greatly that my arrest despite the non-existent ties between the accusations against Datuk Johari and myself portend badly for Malaysia’s abilty to deal with true cyber crime.

The fact that I appear to be the best suspect they could arrest in relation to this case indicates that the police do not understand how the internet works, and are at a complete loss as to how to handle true cyber crime.

In my particular case as well, the government and police appear to be sending a signal that while irresponsible bloggers roam free, responsible bloggers who moderate their comments and put a name to their writing are more likely to end up as targets. This policy could not possibly be more ill formed and counterproductive.

Given certain statements in the press recently, I unfortunately cannot rule out completely that the substandard and rushed nature of this investigation is the result of political meddling and pressure in police affairs.

I am also gravely concerned because as my lawyer pointed out in the remand hearing, arrests should take place at the conclusion of an investigation, and not at the beginning of one. What happened to me is beyond doubt an absolute travesty of this principle.

If the police continue in their attempts to procur information from innocent citizens in bad faith and through questionable means such as by coercing information from individuals isolated from legal counsel and outside support, they will find themselves failing the public in their duty to protect Malaysians from true criminal activity.


This entire episode smacks of intimidation. Ongoing and unrelenting intimidation towards social activists, internet writers and opposition supporters.

The ranking officer in the unit investigating me even took the time to ‘advise’ me to emulate the example and career trajectories of individuals like Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye. The same officer also warned me to be considerate to my parents as I choose my career paths.

While I appreciate the advice, I wish to reiterate here that the causes I have chosen were chosen with due care and consideration, and after thorough analysis of the state of Malaysia’s social and political climate. I love my parents very much, and hate the fact that this episode has caused them such unhappiness. However, my responsibility is also to my future children, and the Malaysia they will inherit.

Any assumptions that my experience will dissuade other activists and citizens of conscience from exerting all our energies in upholding their responsibilities to their parents, their children, and to all of Malaysia are sadly, sadly misplaced.

My time with the police taught me that all the efforts by political parties and civil society to curb the excesses of the police and the government have proven extremely effective.

The police were extremely concerned that they might be portrayed in a bad light after my release, and took a number of steps to ensure that they did not do things that they knew would be taken up and publicised by activists. I am thus extremely grateful for the efforts of those that have fought before me to make Malaysia a more just and secure place for its citizens.

It is impossible to endure an experience such as mine without having one’s fears and discomfort increased, even in one’s own homeland.

The true mark of human strength however is the manner in which we deal with these fears.

I have chosen not to let my fears overcome me, and as a member of KeADILan and other activist groups, I have instead chosen to draw inspiration from those who have walked these paths before me and continue refusing to spare any effort whatsoever in our ongoing endeavours to uphold justice for all throughout the homeland we love.


Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest, most sincerely heartfelt thanks to every single individual and organisation who voiced their support for me throughout this difficult episode. I know this was especially difficult for all of my family and my girlfriend Soon Li Tsin, but despite their pain, they pulled through in every way imaginable to provide me every strength I needed to overcome.

I am not exaggerating in the least when I say the truly touching support I received carried me through the entire ordeal. To all my guardian angles, once again, thank you truly.

Nathaniel Tan

Empat Hari Di Bawah OSA

Saya ditahan pada Jumaat, 13 Julai pada lebih kurang 4.30pm di kawasan tempat letak kereta (B3) Phileo Damansara I oleh 3 - 4 orang polis.

Walaupun asalnya dibawa ke balai untuk disoal, saya ditahan apabila memaklumkan kepada polis bahawa saya dinasihati peguam untuk tidak mengikut polis secara sendiri tanpa peguam.

Dari Phileo Damansara, saya dibawa ke rumah saya di mana polis merampas komputer saya, beberapa CD dan beberapa dokumen.

Dari saat saya ditahan sehingga lebih kurang 11pm, saya tidak dibenarkan untuk bercakap dengan mana-mana kenalan saya, atau maklumkan sesiapapun mengenai lokasi saya.

Perkara ini merupakan suatu pengalaman yang pahit dan menderita bagi keluarga dan kawan-kawan saya.

Saya akhirnya dimaklumkan bahawa saya ditahan berkaitan dengan tuduhan yang dibuat di internet ke atas Datuk Johari Baharum.

Kaitan kes ini kepada saya adalah berdasarkan sebuah komen yang dibuat di blog saya oleh seorang yang identitinya tidak diketahui pada 10 Februari, 2007.

Tidak wajar sama sekali pihak polis mensyaki saya menerbitkan tomahan kepada Datuk Johari berasaskan dokumen rahsia rasmi yang disyaki berada dalam kepunyaan saya. Tiada bukti langsung untuk mengesahkan tuduhan ke atas saya tersebut.

Semasa saya ditahan, polis menggunakan pelbagai strategi dalam menyoal siasat saya yang saya percayai adalah percubaan untuk membuat saya mengakui kepada tindakan-tindakan yang saya tidak pernah buat.

Polis juga soal-siasat saya di antara 5.30pm sehingga 9pm oleh anggota-anggota polis yang berbeza tetapi yang semua bertanya soalan yang sama. Selepas dilepaskan, saya dapat tahu bahawa soal-siasat pada waktu tersebut tidak sah di sisi undang-undang.

Satu daripada pegawai yang menyoal saya malam itu dan enggan memberi namanya mengugut untuk melempar saya dan mencampak saya ke seberang bilik.

Oleh kerana tidak dapat berjumpa dengan peguam, saya enggan menjawab secara terperinci mana-mana soalan polis.

Situasi bertambah teruk pada Sabtu, 14 Julai.

Walaupun saya menyeru beberapa kali kepada polis yang mengiringi saya ke mahkamah reman supaya menghubungi peguam dan keluarga saya untuk maklumkan bahawa saya dibawa ke mahkamah, mereka enggan berbuat sedemikian.

Ini menyebabkan saya terasa amat tertekan kerana saya takut akan menghadapi majistret tanpa peguam.

Saya amat bertuah, kerana seorang peguam di mahkamah menolong saya untuk menghubungi peguam saya, R Sivarasa. Jika peguam tersebut tiada di mahkhamah dan sanggup menghubungi Sivarasa, saya mungkin akan direman untuk 14 hari dan bukan 4.

Selepas peguam saya tiba, polis cuba sedaya upaya untuk menghalang saya dari bercakap kepada peguam saya. Dengan itu, mereka mencabuli hak asasi saya yang berkaitan dengan prosedur keadilan. Ini termasuk cubaan untuk mengintip dan curi-curi dengar kepada perbualan antara saya dengan peguam.

Selepas reman dibenarkan, polis meneruskan penyoalsiasatan terhadap saya.

Oleh kerana saya dinasihati oleh peguam saya supaya tidak menjawab mana-mana soalan atau menandatangani apa-apa, saya enggan menjawab soalan-soalan polis yang semakin bersikap aggresif.

Pada hari Sabtu itu, seorang pegawai atasan bersikap kasar terhadap saya ketika menyoal saya. Ini termasuk menolak saya ke dalam kerusi ketika saya berdiri dan digari.

Oleh kerana saya sudah memaklumkan kehendak saya untuk menggunakan hak saya untuk berdiam diri, keputusan polis untuk menahan saya untuk 4 hari tersebut amat membuangkan masa saya dan tenaga kerja polis. Dalam seluruh waktu ini, saya terpaksa bermalam di lokap dalam keadaan yang teruk dan tidak sihat.

Semua percubaan untuk menekan saya sehingga memberi keterangan gagal. Akhirnya, pada hari Isnin, saya dibenarkan menjumpa keluarga saya, yang memaklumkan kepada saya nasihat baru dari peguam mengenai maklumat yang saya boleh beri kepada polis.

Saya seterusnya dengan ringan hati memberi segala keterangan yang diminta oleh polis.

Segala masalah-masalah yang dialami oleh kedua-dua pihak saya dan polis sebenarnya dapat dielakkan sekiranya polis cukup berhemah untuk membenarkan saya berbincang secara bebas dengan peguam saya sebelum memberi keterangan.


Saya amat khuatir bahawa penahanan saya, walaupun tiada kaitan langsung dengan tuduhan atas Datuk Johari, menunjukkan bahawa PDRM sebenarnya tiada kepakaran yang mencukupi untuk menangani masalah jenayah siber.

Kerajaan dan polis nampaknya memberi isyarat bahawa penulis di internet yang tidak bertanggungjawab dapat berleluasa secara bebas, manakala penulis di internet yang bertanggungjawab dan menggunakan nama sebenar akan menjadi sasaran. Dasar ini langsung tiada asas yang kukuh dan bersifat kounter produktif.

Memandangkan kenyataan dalam akhbar kebelangkan ini, saya malangnya tidak boleh menafikan kemungkinan bahawa cara penyiasatan ini dijalankan secara huru-hara adalah akibat daripada campurtangan politik dan tekanan terhadap urusan polis.

Saya juga amat risau kerana seperti yang dimaklumkan oleh peguam saya semasa di mahkamah reman, penahanan harus dibuat pada hujung sebuah penyiasatan dan bukan pada mulanya. Apa yang terjadi jelas bercanggah dengan prinsip ini.

Jika polis berterus dalam percubaan mereka untuk mendapat maklumat dari rakyat dengan cara-cara yang amat mencurigakan seperti yang saya alami, mereka akan gagal dalam usaha mereka untuk melindungi rakyat Malaysia dari jenayah.


Peristiwa ini mengandungi terlalu ramai unsur intimidasi - intimidasi terhadap aktivis, penulis internet dan penyokong pembangkang.

Seorang pegawai tinggi dalam unit yang menyiasati saya pun ‘menasihati’ saya supaya mencontohi individu seperti Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye. Pegawai tersebut juga memberi amaran supaya menitikberatkan ibubapa saya apabila memilih kerjaya saya.

Walaupun saya menghargai nasihat tersebut dan amat menyayangi ibubapa saya, saya terpaksa juga menitikberatkan masa depan bakal-bakal anak saya serta Malaysia yang akan saya tinggalkan untuk mereka.

Mana-mana anggapan bahawa pengalaman saya akan menakutkan atau melemahkan semangat rakyat yang berjuang untuk menyempurnakan tanggungjawab mereka kepada ibubapa, anak dan kepada semua Malaysia salah sama sekali.

Masa saya dengan polis telah menunjukkan bahawa segala usaha oleh parti-parti politik dan masyarakat mandani untuk membantah keterlaluan polis dan kerajaan telah membuahkan hasil.

Polis amat prihatin terhadap imej mereka selepas saya dibebaskan, dan mengambil langkah supaya tidak melakukan perkara-perkara yang mereka sedar akan dihebohkan oleh aktivis-aktivis. Oleh itu, saya amat berterima kasih kepada usaha-usaha mereka yang telah berjuang sebelum saya untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara yang adil dan selamat.

Tidak mungkin seseorang mengalami pengalaman sebegini tanpa merasa lebih takut dan tidak selesa, walaupun di tanahair sendiri.

Walaubagaimanapun, tanda sebenar kekuatan insan adalah cara di mana kita pilih untuk hidup dengan ketakutan tersebut.

Saya telah pilih untuk tidak membenarkan rasa takut saya menguasai saya. Sebaliknya, sebagai ahli KeADILan dan rakyat yang sedar, saya telah pilih untuk mencontohi semua mereka yang telah mendahului saya dalam mengambil perjalanan ini dan berusaha sedaya upaya untuk menegakkan keadilan untuk semua di Malayia yang kita cintai.


Akhirnya, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih setinggi-tingginya kepada setiap individu dan organisasi yang menyuarakan sokongan mereka untuk saya dalam waktu yang susah ini. Saya sedar bahawa keluarga saya dan teman wanita saya Soon Li Tsin terutamanya amat menderita pada waktu ini, tetapi walaupun dalam keadaan begitu, mereka berjaya menunjukkan penuh sokongan dan inilah yang memberi kekuatan yang diperlukan saya untuk menghadapi ujian ini.

Sokongan yang betul-betul amat mengharukan ini telah mengangkat saya pada setiap tahap kesusahan ini. Kepada semua malaikat yang menjaga saya, sekali lagi, saya ucapkan ribuan terima kasih.

Nathaniel Tan

To think that we entrusted our safety to them...

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